Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry!

作者: 李毅 发布时间: 2019-10-16 阅读:( 4853 )  

Unit  11    Sad movies make me cry!

Section A   GF—4b

一、Learning  Objectives

1. knowledge objectives

a. To know and use the patterns “make sb./sth. +adj.” and “make sb. do sth.”

b. To enrich more words about emotions

2. ability objectives

a. To improve the Ss’ ability of summarizing and analyzing by observing

b. To be able to express one’s emotions  and describe one’s reactions

3. emotional objectives

a. To help Ss understand the importance of good-feelings

b. To help Ss learn happily

二 、Main points & different points

1. Main points

a. To know and use the patterns “make sb./sth. +adj.” and “make sb. do sth.”

b. To enrich more words about emotions

2. Different points

To describe one’s reactions

三 、Procedure


T: Good morning, everyone! My name is Jina, today we are going to have a lesson together. First let’s look at the learning objectives.

To start with our lesson, I’ll give you sth. special. Look, I made a cup of drink for you .I think it’ll be very delicious. Let me try. Please look carefully!(With a smiling face) Ah! It’s very tasty! It makes me happy. Do you want a go?

One student comes to the front and taste.

a.(With an uncomfortable face)

T:Tell me your feeling.

S1: It makes me angry/sad/uncomfortable…T: Thank you! why? Because it’s made of lemon. It’s sour. But why it made me happy? Because I put one finger into the lemon juice, but I taste another. So I think you should observe very carefully! Observation is the best teacher! And for today’s lesson, I hope we always learn by observing and discovering!


b. (With a smiling face)

T:How do you find out it? Ah, you are so clever! You observed so carefully! Observation is the best teacher! And for today’s lesson, I hope we always learn by observing and discovering! Who wants to taste the drink? Ask one to tell us his feeling. And write down the sentence.

Now use our tool and look at the two sentences on the Bb, what rule can you find?

2. Presentation 

Use multi-media computer(交互式电子白板)

Rule 1: make sb./sth. +adj.

It makes me happy. It makes him/her uncomfortable. It makes you puzzled/confused. Can you find the rule of the three sentences? Let’s recall some adjs about emotions. 遮障功能

3. Practice

a.Task1: A game

Let’s play a game ,each of you write as many emotions on the paper as you can. Think: Can you categorize them into two groups? Positive and Negative. Look at the screen.

b. Task 2: Match

T: Now listen to some music, and match it with these words.

 Let the Ss listen to some types of music, and match it with the emotion words. What do they have in common? Music 手绘功能

c. Task 3: Describe

T: Using this words or phrases and describe the pictures.

red, active

green, energetic

orange and yellow,…

What do they have in common?  They are all about…?           

d. Task 4:News

T:Here are some news. Let the Ss look at the news on  PPT.

Can you say sth. about it? First talk in your group. I’ll give you a sample.

Give Ss some support---new words and a sample. Then ask the Ss to talk in their group, and 2 mins later, ask one to say sth. about the news.

eg: When I heard the news Fan Bingbing evaded tax, it made me… because…

S1:When I heard that China won the gold medal in the freestyle relay, it made me…because...

4. Presentation

a. We can also say

It made her cry. It made me feel very angry. Our government made her pay an

overdue tax.  Please tell me the rule.

b. Rule2: make+sb.+do sth.


Task 5:A song

T:You made me excited. You made me feel like listening to a song.

Let’s relax, enjoy a song on the Internet, Sunshine on my shoulders, and finish

 the lyrics.

Watch the video on the Internet, and make them finish it ,then tell us the rule.

6. Analyzing and summarizing

a. A diary

T:What can affect our emotions? Can you tell me from our tasks?

music, colours, news.

Let’s read a diary kept by a schoolgirl. What affected her feelings?

Using these words and phrases ,fill in the blanks. Then answer the question. Yes, weather, friendship, school result, and food.

b. Emotion line

T:Suppose this is her emotion line, can you finish it? Look,this is the horizon. Ask one to draw it on the Bb. Show the emotion line on PPT.

7.A survey

Complete the survey. Then ask two other students.Then ask some to report in class.

8. Watch a micro lecture 微课

9. Exercise

Do the exercise to check the result by menkou.cn门口学习网 and show it on the whiteboard.


We can’t change the weather, but we can change our emotions.

We can’t change our looks, but we can change our expressions.

11.A saying

Honestly, I’m glad I met everybody in my life. The good and the bad. The good make me thankful, the bad make me learn my lessons. I wish all of you be happy every day!


Plenary: How does this lesson make you feel today? Draw your face in the air like me.  Enrich more words.探照灯功能


You must

  Write a short passage

  to show your feelings today.

If you can

  Create a little poem according to the song Sunshine On My Shoulder

四、Bb design

Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry.

make sb./sth.+adj.


make sb. do sth.
















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