
作者: 金小玲 发布时间: 2019-10-15 阅读:( 8161 )  




课题名称:Unit 6 Section A(1a-2c)An old man tried to move the mountains

课    型:八年级英语教学听说课

版    本:人教版英语Go for it





A  Teaching Plan For Unit 6 Section A(1a-2c)

------ An old man tried to move the mountains

 I) Teaching   Aims:

   Unit 6   Section A   An   old man tried to move the mountains

II) Teaching points:

Knowledge   points(知识目标):

1.Revise   the   story   telling   skills   : micro class—how to tell an English story

2.New words: shoot /stone/weak/god/remind/bit/a little bit/silly/instead of

3. Grammar:  the past tense and outline for stories with using who what how why when where questions.

4. Some traditional stories: Journey to the west/Yu Gong Moves a Mountains/ Hou   yi shoots the suns/ Nu  Wa  repairs  the sky

Ability   points(能力目标)

1. Train the students to tell the stories with an outline(利用提纲讲故事的能力)

2. Cultivate   the   ss   to learn by the flipped classroom teaching methods, always learn by themselves or in groups(翻转课堂教学自主合作学习能力)

3.Cultivate the typical critical thinking of students(培养学生批判性思维能力)

Emotional points(情感态度和价值观目标)

1. Love of reading  legends and love of our people

2.To be united,   competive,   and always help each other

III) Teaching periods: one period

IV) Teaching aids:

1 Micro video class :How to tell an English story(微课)

2.Media instruction with  seewo  micro soft多媒体教学

3. Some colorful   chalk   for  accession, some listening materials

4. some  flash movies

5.The teaching case导学案

V)Teaching methods:

1.The  Flipped  classroom teaching methods(翻转课堂教学法)

2.The  Task ---based language teaching methods(任务型教学法)

3.Media instruction with  seewo  micro soft(多媒体希沃一体机教学)

VI) Teaching procession

Step 1   Class   organization: (2minutes)

Ss sing English songs(long   long  ago—–looking  trough the classroom ---smiling for encouragement---Greeting  –calming (without standing up)


Step 2 Brain storming for leading -in: (3minutes)

1.Listen to the   music (Chinese song )西游记主题曲

2.Discuss the song and picrure ,leading to learn new words by making sentences.


Step 3 Presentation and practice (5minutes)

1.Some flash movies (动画片)for discussion what can you see?Look at the picture and find out some figures and match the pictures with titles (who)

2.Presentate  the new words :shoot  stones by sentences(单词教学法展示)

3.Students  go to the Bb to finish the tasks(体验一体机学习)


Step 4 Presentation(4minutes+2minutes check)(group work )

1.Present the micro class video,let the ss watch it once again

2.Discuss in groups about the video,---How to tell an English story (happening --development--ending)

3.Hand out the  the  teaching case for guiding

4.Show the answers on the Bb and report it

(work  in groups  and answer  individually)


Step 5 listening (2minutes)

1. Pre-listening: which story are they talking about?

2. While-listening: key sentences

3. After-listening: find the answer

4.Practice reading the sentences to learn make an outline(How/what/where)

(设计意图:听力教学任务前,任务中-任务后 展示让学生学会做听力 听关键词)

Step 6 Discussion  and do a survey in Groups (5minutes)

Question1:How does the story begin?

        2:What happened  next ?

        3:Where would they put all the earth and stone from the mountains ?


Group A-----------

GrouP B------------




(设计意图: 通过小组采访和表演、培养学生提问,思考合作竞争的能力)

Step 7 listenging  twice for 2a(5minutes)

1.Talk about the picture and put them in order (ss come to the Bb to finish the exercises)

2.Pre-listening to learn the new words weak/god/remind/  and conjunctive words .

3While-reading for doing the exercises and  understanding the sentences for telling the story


Step 8Mini-match:group work for telling the story in own words(8minutes)







(super star)


Step9 Consolidation Students make a conclusion :what have learned (2mins)

1.How to tell a story

2.A story about YuGong move the mountains

3.Some new words. phrases and skills for listening

Step 10 Accession (3minutes)



Step 11 Self-thought(课后作业)(1mins)

1、Asign homework小组主题写故事,画故事,讲故事











课题: Unit 6   Section A   An   old man tried to move the   mountains









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